Désirez-vous soutenir les actions du Centre d'Investigation et d'Epidémiologie Clinique (CIEC) par le biais d'un don ? read more...
QUALICOPC (Quality and Costs of Primary care in Europe) is an international study led by Nivel, a Dutch research institute. The aim of the study is to evaluate primary care systems in Europe in terms of quality, equity and costs. read more...
LUXEMBOURG national liaison team is looking for a patient organisations representative. For further information visit the EUPATI website www.eupati.org. If you are interested in joining the EUPATI Luxembourg NLT or wish to know more about it, please contact Manon Gantenbein (email: manon.gantenbein@crp-sante.lu) read more...
Qu’est-ce que la médecine translationnelle?
Promotion of the best practices in clinical research
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