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First results from the QUALICOPC study: Luxembourgish data

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QUALICOPC (Quality and Costs of Primary care in Europe) is an international study led by Nivel, a Dutch research institute. The aim of the study is to evaluate primary care systems in Europe in terms of quality, equity and costs. In Luxembourg, 80 General practitioners (GPs) and 795 patients were surveyed. The GPs were chosen randomly and contacted by phone for agreement. The participating GPs filled in a questionnaire and fieldworkers (CRP-CIEC staff) surveyed 10 of their patients. The data obtained from the questionnaires was integrated in a European database by Nivel.


The data to perform this analysis was extracted from the European database. The following statistical tests were used: Pearson’s chisquared test and Anova (or Mann Whitney test). P-value below 0.05 was declared as significant. All statistical analyses were performed using the SAS system version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, US).


Results illustrate general GP characteristics, GP satisfaction, patient’s point of view and fieldworker observations. The results are described by using means, standard deviations and percentages.


Comparing 1993 to 2012 both GPs demography and their way of practicing changed. There is a clear tendency to work in groups, mean working time diminished while work satisfaction increased. GPs are constantly involved in health education, but are less implicated in pediatrics or gynecology.


The study coordinators for Luxembourg will disseminate the information obtained from the study at different national and international events.

For more information please consult the QUALICOPC website: http://www.nivel.nl/en/qualicopc/

You can see the poster which was exposed during the 5th JRC here below:  


Tags: QUALICOPC (Quality and Costs of Primary care in Europe); First results; Luxembourgish data

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