English (United States)

Clinical Research Articles

Les variants SARS-CoV-2

Essayer de comprendre est le début des solutions

Category: Other
Le LIH a lancé Colive Voice

Faire progresser le diagnostic et le suivi du cancer et du diabète grâce à l’identification de «biomarqueurs vocaux» read more...

Category: Other
Visite guidée du RCP 4 e partie

Tout ce qu’il faut savoir sur le Résumé des Caractéristiques du Produit: gros plan sur la section 5 du RCP, consacrée aux propriétés pharmacologiques read more...

Category: Other
COVID-19 Taskforce updates - ECRIN

Literature, Regulatory, Ethical, Resources

Category: Other
European Vaccination Research Network VACCELERATE

a new multinational vaccine trial on the immune response to a third COVID-19 vaccination, EU-COVAT-1 AGED, is underway. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the 3rd dose on study participants aged 75 and over read more...

Category: Infectious Diseases
Per page: 5 10 25

This page shows recent articles about clinical research.

The articles can be sorted by therapeutic area or disease, but may also deal with more general topics not specifically related to a disease. These  articles can be sorted as "other".