English (United States)


Type Date Title Place Program
Conference 04/11/15 - 04/11/15 MSF - Twelve months of Ebola research: an unprecedented year Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg
Conference 28/10/15 - 28/10/15 Journée de la Recherche Médicale Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg
Seminar 26/10/15 - 27/10/15 Clinical Development of Medical Devices: Regulatory Intelligence and Risk Management Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg
Conference 17/09/15 - 17/09/15 Symposium Methods in Epidemiology Leuven, Belgium
Seminar 15/09/15 - 15/09/15 Seminar Luxembourg Medical School feasibility study LIH Strassen
Per page: 5 10 25


This page provides an overview of events related to research and clinical activities organized in Luxembourg.

More information about the event is available by clicking on the event title.