English (United States)

Symposium Methods in Epidemiology

17/09/15 - 17/09/15
Leuven, Belgium
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SYMPOSIUM Methods in Epidemiology

September 17, 2015


Abstract submission and registration are now open!


Invited speakers will present and comment on a number of epidemiological methodologies.

Through poster sessions this symposium will enhance the visibility of ongoing projects.

The latest developments in epidemiology-related topics and up-to-date findings will be exchanged.


Online registration is possible by clicking  here.

Early Bird (until 15/08) Normal (after 15/08)
Regular Participant 75.00 EUR 95.00 EUR
Student* 25.00 EUR  25.00 EUR

Confirmed speakers include:

Prof. Dr. J. Weyler - University of Antwerp
Dr. V. Van Casteren - WIV-ISP
Prof. Dr. H. Van Oyen - WIV-ISP
Prof. Dr. A. Van Rie - University of Antwerp and UNC Chapel Hill, NC, U.S.A.
Prof. Dr. A. Soubry - KU Leuven
Prof. Dr. C. Matheï - KU Leuven
C. Maertens de Noordhout - UCL
Prof. Dr. C. Hoyo - NC State University and Duke University School of Medicine, NC, U.S.A.
Prof. Dr. D. Guha-Sapir  - UCL
Dr. Willem De Keyzer - University College Ghent and Ghent University
Dr. B. Cox - University Hasselt
Prof. Dr. E. Clays - Ghent University

Submission of an abstract on your work in progress and/or results on epidemiological data is encouraged.

A number of abstracts will be selected for oral presentations and a publication in "Archives of Public Health" (BioMed Central).

A poster price will be awarded.

Interested in submitting an abstract? Click here  to submit. The final deadline for submission of abstracts is June 21, 2015! 


Organized by: KU Leuven / Universiteit Antwerpen / Universiteit Gent / Université catholique de Louvain / Universiteit Hasselt / ISP WIV / Richting Morgen / Vlaanderen in Actie Pact 2020 / Vlaamse Overheid




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