Différentes autorisations, délivrées par divers services compétents en la matière sont nécessaires. read more...
1962 - 2012 : 50 ans de progrès en recherche et traitement du cancer read more...
Le mercredi 26 octobre sera la 3ème Journée de la Recherche Clinique au Luxembourg. read more...
In recent years, clinical trials with stem cells have taken the emerging field in many new directions. While numerous teams continue to refine and expand the role of bone marrow and cord blood stem cells for their vanguard uses in blood and immune disorders, many others are looking to expand the uses of the various types of stem cells found in bone marrow and cord blood, in particular mesenchymal stem cells, to uses beyond those that could be corrected by replacing cells in their own lineage. read more...
The Honour Roll celebrates all the individual volunteers, professionals and organisations that make clinical trials possible, helping advance medicine safe in celebration of International Clinical Trials Day, 20th May 2011. read more...
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