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Pathology : Other
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Study Title

Health follow-up examination of the participants of the ORISCAV-LUX study conducted in 2008 (more information here: http://www.oriscav.lih.lu/ )

8 years later, this study will among others:

- Describe the evolution of cardiovascular risk factors and related diseases between 2008 and 2016;
- Study the link between arterial stiffness and cognitive function in elderly people;
- Analyze the impact of low vitamin D status on cognitive performance;
- Investigate the link between stress biomarkers and metabolic syndrome in the general population;
- Assess physical frailty by measuring objectively physical condition and cognitive function;
- Analyze the link between weight, body composition and physical frailty.
The visit lasts around 4 hours but can be proposed to be done in 2 parts, depending of the choice of the participant.

Study Detail

Study Objective 

The study will take place in 4 steps:

1. Firstly, the participants to ORISCAV-LUX1 will be contacted and proposed to take part in ORISCAV-LUX2; if they agree:

2. Secondly, they will be asked to fill a questionnaire on their health (online or paper version).

3. Thirdly, they will be contacted to arrange an appointment with a nurse in Strassen, Esch-sur-Alzette or Ettelbruck. This visit will last about 4 hours and they will undergo different examinations concerning:

- Blood pressure and pulse;
- Cardiac rhythm (ECG);
- Arterial stiffness;
- Height and weight, waist, hip and thigh circumferences;
- Fat mass, fat free mass and muscle mass;
- Cognitive ability;
- Physical activity measurement;
- Collection of a small hair sample for future analysis on pollution exposure.

4. Finally, they will be invited to a collection center of Ketterthill laboratory for a blood test and urine collection.

Participation conditions

Inclusion criteria

This survey is addressed to each adult, man and woman, who took part in ORISCAV-LUX1.

Further information:

- They (and their doctor if they wish so) will receive: the results of blood and urine tests, their ECG with medical feedback, an assessment of their lab results, their blood pressure values, their height and weight with the BMI.
- Part of the samples as well as all data collected will be used later on for scientific research in chronic disease epidemiology, including cardio-metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases, in particular to study genetic predispositions and for future international studies.
- In any case, their anonymity will be preserved.
- Their participation is voluntary, they can refuse at any time without any consequences.
- http://www.oriscav.lih.lu/OriscavLux/ORISCAVLUX2.aspx


List of participating centres: Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH)

Contact person

+352 2697 0743

Tags: ECG : electrocardiogramme ; BMI : Body mass index ;

Studies overview

This page provides the list of clinical studies currently registered in the LuxCLIN platform in the different therapeutic areas. By clicking on each study title, more information is displayed concerning the study objective and the participation conditions.