Treating lung cancer in non-smokers: the next step
1. The improvement of the diagnostic performance in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in non-smokers.
2. A better understanding of the failure of specific treatments.
3. A better prediction of the probability that specific drugs will induce response based on the specific genomics of the tumor.
4. An early definition of the most effective treatments for the patient resulting in a better individualization of these treatments.
Patients with NSCLC either at diagnosis or relapse after surgery
Non-smoking or former limited smoking history of less than 5 packed years with a smoking free interval of more than 20 years
Smoking history with EGFR positive mutation or other known druggable driver mutation
No previous systemic treatment for advanced NSCLC. Previous adjuvant chemotherapy after surgery is permitted
Early stage NSCLC patients treated with surgery may be included before the start of adjuvant systemic chemotherapy
In case of relapse of NSCLC after surgery, a new biopsy for the study is mandatory before the start of any treatment
Signed and dated informed consent by the patient
No additional restrictions apply
Absence of informed consent for tumor biopsy and/or analysis of germline DNA
Absence of available baseline tumor tissue
Absence of available germline DNA sample
Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL)
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This page provides the list of clinical studies currently registered in the LuxCLIN platform in the different therapeutic areas. By clicking on each study title, more information is displayed concerning the study objective and the participation conditions.