English (United States)


Pathology : Immunology
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Study Title

Differential long-term effects of measles virus (MV) vaccination and wildtype infection with emphasis on the B cell repertoire

Study Detail

Study Objective

  • To investigate the B cell repertoire from peripheral lymphocytes of individuals before and after vaccination and explore whether MV vaccine leaves a particular signature.
  • To compare the “signature” of various wt and vaccine strains on the B cell repertoire and to determine whether particular CDR3s can be used as markers specific for MV vaccine and wt strains.
  • To characterize the B cell repertoire from secondary lymphoid organs (e.g. tonsillar lymphocytes) and the potential influence of persisting MV in the tissue.
  • To assess the persistence of MV in different fresh tissues (e.g. surgical waste tissues) from late convalescents and vaccinated individuals and phylogenetically characterize detected MV strain.
  • To relate the detected MV strain to past and presently circulating strains and vaccine strains to understand the phenomenon of persistence and to possibly gain insight into the history of circulating MV strain during the past decades.
  • To assess the persistence of MV in stored tissues and determine the genotype of the potential MV strain.

Participation conditions

Inclusion criteria

  • Cohort A : adults seronegatives for the measles virus who accept to be vaccinated and consecutively followed (blood draws 0, 15, 60, 120, 365, 730 days post-inoculation),
  • Cohort B : persons who have recently been naturally infected with the measles virus (patient in measles acute infection or early convalescents < 1 month) and who accept to be enrolled in a vaccination follow up study (blood draw at 60, 120, 365, 730 days post-infection),
  • Cohort C : vaccinated or late convalescent adult donors (MV vaccination or infection more than one year ago),
  • Cohort D : no particular type of donors is sought for cord blood,
  • Cohort E : children and/or adults that have been vaccinated or infected by the measles virus and that have to undergo a medically indicated surgery requiring the removal of tissues (including tonsillectomy).


Exclusion criteria


  • Donors with current or past diagnosis of autoimmune disease or cancer.

  • Patients from whom it is not possible to obtain more than 20 ml of blood.

  • Other exclusion criteria may be added during the course of the study.

  • Centers

    Institute of Immunology, Laboratoire National de Santé and Centre de Recherche Public - Santé

    Contact person

    Charlotte Lieunard
    +352 26 970 847

    Tags: measles, vaccination, B cell repertoire, cord blood, persistence of measles virus in tissue

    Studies overview

    This page provides the list of clinical studies currently registered in the LuxCLIN platform in the different therapeutic areas. By clicking on each study title, more information is displayed concerning the study objective and the participation conditions.