The Sports Medicine Research Laboratory of CRP-Santé is currently launching a new project which aims at investigating the following key question:
“Does the drop really impact the risk of running-related injury?
700 runners are expected to participate: whether you are a beginner or a regular runner, if you are about to start running or if you are highly experienced, CRP-Santé is providing you with the opportunity to participate in this outstanding research project. You will be given a pair of shoes and the possibility to track the progress of your running for a 6-month period thanks to the online “Training and Injury Prevention Platform for Sports” (TIPPS) where you will upload your running data.
Participating is very easy: all it takes is one visit to the Sports Medicine Research Laboratory in Luxembourg. Further information is now available on, including a short tutorial related to the registration. Three different shoe types, two of which already available in sport shops, will be distributed at random.
• To sign up, simply visit the TIPPS website (
• Create an account on the TIPPS website and select "Register" under the "My Studies" section and then follow the instructions.
• Then, visit the Sports Medicine Research Laboratory in order to receive your free pair of running shoes
• Once you have your shoes, you will be required to run at least once a week, and upload your running sessions weekly as well as any other sporting activities. You will also have to upload all sports injuries during the same period of time with a dedicated questionnaire provided on the TIPPS website.
Among the 700 participants, 60 will get the chance of being selected for a personalized test which will aim at demonstrating how the running style/ technique of a runner may be influenced by the shoe drop. This test will be performed twice, once at the beginning and once at the end of the 6 months. These 60 participants will be selected according to criteria defined by the Sports Medicine Research Laboratory.
You will support a research project in the field of Sports Medicine.
For any further information, please contact:
Laurent Malisoux, Ph.D.
Phone. (+352): 26 970 231
Laboratoire de Recherche en Médecine du Sport,
Fondation Norbert Metz, 5e étage
76, rue d’Eich,
L-1460 Luxembourg
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