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20th MAY: International Clinical Trials' Day

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Each year, the International Clinical Trials' Day is celebrated around the world on or near the 20th of May in order to celebrate the day that James Lind started his famous trial on the 20th of May 1747 (*www.jameslindlibrary.org).

The challenges of clinical research are not restricted to a single country, thus transnational communication on clinical trials requires initiation and co-ordination by a transnational organisation, with the objective to facilitate better clinical research, relevant to the needs of patients everywhere.

The objective is to make the International Clinical Trials' Day a focal point for international communication events, meetings, debates, and celebrations of clinical research. Every year ECRIN hosts a celebration of ICTD in a European city. All are invited!

Who should register?

Healthcare professionals who wish to be part of a unique network, providing access to up-to-date, accurate and validated information about clinical research.

Investigators and study staff who wish to be part of a unique network, in order to stay abreast of clinical trials taking place in Luxembourg and who are willing to further develop their competencies.