English (United States)

PMC Retreat

04/12/17 - 04/12/17
LNS Dudelange
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08:30  Welcome Refreshments 

09:00  Welcome 
09:20  LNS - Supporting Research 
09:40  CIEC - Supporting Research 
10:00  The implementation of a personalized screening tool for pre- and probiotic interventions in colorectal cancer patients (PerPreProBioCRC) 
10:30  Coffee Break 
11:00  Epigenetic Stratification Towards Personalised Care in Rheumatoid Arthritis (ESPoiRe)  
11:30  Dietary fiber-deprived gut microbiome in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) 
12:00  A multi-omics based single-cell strategy to overcome therapy-driven resistance in Glioblastoma: An entry-point for personalized treatment 
12:30  IBBL - Supporting Research 
12:50  Lunch 
13:40  LIH Stats Unit - Supporting Research 
14:00  LSRU - Supporting Research 
14:20  2017 Awardees 
15:20  Coffee Break 
15:50  LCSB Informatics Unit - Supporting Research 
16:10  LIH - Supporting Research  
16:30  CNPD - Data Protection Regulation 
17:00  Closing remarks 


Laboratoire National de Santé
(conference room)
1, rue Louis Rech
L-3555 Dudelange 




This page provides an overview of events related to research and clinical activities organized in Luxembourg.

More information about the event is available by clicking on the event title.