A giant public pillow fight in the heart of the city?
Many of you have been dreaming of it for a long time… Now it’s happening in Luxembourg city! We are not joking!
Bring your pillow and let’s fight for the good cause!
To support patients in their fight against Parkinson’s disease.
2 September 2017, 11:00 -18:00
Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes, Luxembourg
Organized by the Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) of the University of Luxembourg, the National Centre for Excellence in Research in Parkinson’s Disease (NCER-PD) and the Rotary Foundation
Open to everyone, companies and general public (all ages)
Several information booths will be there to raise awareness on the Parkinson’s disease, there will be drinks*, a barbecue*, music and entertainment
100m Baamkuch* produced by Rotary Luxembourg
* All proceeds go to the National Centre of Excellence in Research on Parkinson’s Disease.
All information: http://www.parkinson.lu/index.php/en/pillowfight-home
for articles/videos/studies
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