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Seminar - Prof Manca & Prof Ijzerman - personalized medicine

22/03/16 - 22/03/16
LIH Strassen
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Date: Tuesday, 22nd March

Speakers: Prof Manca & Prof Ijzerman

Content: Prof Manca & Prof Ijzerman will be giving 2 short presentations about their current research activities that may be relevant to the collaboration with LIH on personalized medicine.

Venue: LIH (1a-b, rue Thomas Edison L-1445 Strassen) Meeting room Sanger / Snow

If you wish, you can meet Prof Manca & Prof Ijzerman Tuesday morning. Please let know Christine Gauthier (christine.gauthier@lih.lu) so she can organize a meeting. 

Links to their profiles:

Prof Manca: http://www.york.ac.uk/che/staff/research/andrea-manca/#profile

Prof Ijzerman: https://www.utwente.nl/bms/htsr/Staff/ijzerman/



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