Organised by the EFGCP Education Working Party, With the participation of EMA and MHRA speakers. read more...
Stand d’information et Quizz dans les hôpitaux : le CRP-Santé célèbre la Journée Internationale de la Recherche Clinique read more...
Myriam Alexandre, Senior Clinical Research Associate
A Phase IIIb multicentric open label single arm trial sponsored by Roche is currently conducted worlwide.. The treatm... read more...
Health Examination Survey on the resident population of Luxembourg (EHES-LUX) The Luxemburgish Ministry of Health ... read more...
In the context of the official collaboration agreement signed between CRP-Santé and the Labatt Brain Tumour Research ... read more...
Watch the OFFICIAL RARE DISEASE DAY VIDEO and find more information on the sixth international Rare Disease Day coord... read more...
IBBL (Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg), the Centre de Recherche Public – Santé (CRP-Santé) and the Partnership for P... read more...
The RELIEF Migraine Registry was recently launched to evaluate the long-term safety and performance of neurostimulati... read more...
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