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FNR, University of Luxembourg and LCSB leaders join Luxembourg Parkinson Study

Last week, the FNR’s Secretary General Dr Marc Schiltz volunteered as a control subject in the Luxembourg Parkinson S... read more...

1er décembre : Journée mondiale contre le Sida

« Vers la fin de l’épidémie en 2030? » read more...

SALON Letz be healthy – 25 mars 2017 11h00

Casino 2000 à Mondorf-les-bains Le 1er salon de la Santé et de la Pharmacie au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg read more...

EUPATI Webinar "Revision of CIOMS Ethical Guidelines For Biomedical Research"

January 30, 2017 17h00 – 18h30 CET

LUME BioNIS biomarker study in non-small cell lung cancer up and running since november 2016

The study targets patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with adenocarcinoma tumor histology, which are eli... read more...

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Healthcare professionals who wish to be part of a unique network, providing access to up-to-date, accurate and validated information about clinical research.

Investigators and study staff who wish to be part of a unique network, in order to stay abreast of clinical trials taking place in Luxembourg and who are willing to further develop their competencies.