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Pathology : Nutrition
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Study Title

A pilot program to assess the feasibility of a structured collaboration between dieticians and GPs (General practitioners) for nutrition counseling and its overall impact on routine clinical management and follow-up of patients with type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome or at risk of developing metabolic syndrome, treated in primary care in Luxembourg

Study Detail

Study Objective

The primary objective of this pilot project will be to evaluate the practical feasibility and acceptance (by physician and patient) of having dietitians involved in the primary care consultation for a baseline dietary appraisal and for subsequent follow-up MNT (Medical nutrition treatment) visits at the dietitians’ office.

Secondary objectives include assessment of physicians overall evaluation of MNT intervention on metabolic parameters (glycemia, HbA1c, lipid profile, blood pressure, uric acid…), blood pressure and anthropometric variables such as BMI and waist circumference.
Other exploratory objectives may include the impact of this MNT approach on patients’ overall satisfaction and adherence to treatment.


Participation conditions

Inclusion criteria

• Adults (≥ 18 years)
• Able to understand, read and sign ICF (Informed consent form)
• Been diagnosed with type II diabetes; or
• Metabolic syndrome: 3 or more of the following criteria

o Obesity (WC >102 cm for men; > 89 cm for women)
o Increased BP (SBP > 130 mmHg; DBP > 85 mm Hg)
o High blood sugar level (fasting glucose level > 100 mg/dL)
o High cholesterol (TG > 150 mg/dL; HDL < 40 mg/dL for men; < 50 mg/dL for women)
o Or presenting a risk of developing metabolic syndrome (one of the above criteria)

Exclusion criteria

• Subjects unable to understand, read and sign ICF
• Subjects unable to consent for at least one dietitian consultation
• Subjects suffering from severe and uncontrolled complications of diabetes that may interfere with the normal follow-up at GP level
• Subjects having experienced a recent major cardiovascular event or surgery within one month prior to study initiation


Clinical and Epidemiological Investigation Center
Other all 20 General practitioners (medical doctors) and about 10 dieticians will be involved in the study

Contact person

Myriam Alexandre
+352 26 970 855

Tags: Nutrition, dietetic, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, general medical care, OPEN

Studies overview

This page provides the list of clinical studies currently registered in the LuxCLIN platform in the different therapeutic areas. By clicking on each study title, more information is displayed concerning the study objective and the participation conditions.